Friday, December 14, 2007

It's a Very Runaway Box Christmas!

Happy Holidays, gang. Did you check out our cool new Runaway Box logo at the end of our videos? Yeah, it's a (runaway) box with a ribbon around it. How rad is that?

I just wanted to point out a few things if you haven't noticed them. We've got two very special musical takes on the way Runaway Box views the holidays. They are heartwarming. Here they are:

Daddy Home for Christmas

Lazy Christmas

Throw this shit on low, get on your holiday jammies, pour some egg nog, and you've got yourself a merry little Christmas, if I do say so myself. I think we have some songs here that knock "Gramma Got Run Over By a Reindeer" right out of the ring in the battle of "Funny Christmas Songs". By the way, does the image in the link seem incredibly wrong to anybody else?

Look forward to more musical holiday cheer later this month with Marty... But not in the way you'll expect.

Hope you guys are enjoying our new series! Which do you like best so far? Let me know in the comments section! And also, if anybody can tell me what wassle is AND explain why it exists, I'll give you five dollars. Not really, but pretend.

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